2018 Fraternity League Intramural Softball Champions

The 2018-2019 Intramural Season began on a high note this season as the brothers of Sigma Chi bought home the first championship of the year in Softball against ZBT. With incredible underhand pitching from brother Tony Yambor who secured a 15-0 shutout and calculative base running from everyone who hit, our opponents had no chance.

Looking forward to securing the IM Sweep with football right around the corner.

Keep the good work up gentlemen!

Dennis Santoli Distinguished Alumni Award

We were honored to be a part of past Grand Consul and CWRU Alumni Dennis Santoli's Distinguished Alumni Award Ceremony for the College of Arts & Sciences. Attached are some pictures from the event. 

Pictured L to R: David Santoli, Mike Santoli, Dennis Santoli, Will Stark, Chris Shorter, Sanay Mohile, Nathan Glasser and Terry Chapin. Sitting below Chris, we were honored to have our chapter sweetheart, Mary Katherine Barna in attendance.

6th Consecutive Peterson Award

At Sigma Chi's Balfour Leadership Training Workshop we were awarded with our 6th consecutive J. Dwight Peterson Significant Chapter Award. This award recognizes our chapter as a chapter of excellence within the General Fraternity. This is a great honor for our members and alumni, as we continue to show our consistency for excellence and success.

In addition to the current brothers, we were honored to be pictured with Ethan Pickering, last years International Balfour Award winner, Tommy Geddings, the newly elected Grand Consul and Rich Hronek, a current Grand Trustee.

Balfour Leadership Training Workshop!

Will StarkPaul EmanueleKyle MacdonaldMatty Baratz and Chris Shorter working hard at Sigma Chi's Balfour Leadership Training Workshop to further improve our chapter. We had the opportunity to spend some time with Sigma Chi's International Sweetheart Allisen Hagemeyer and Beta Eta Alum and International Balfour Recipient Ethan Pickering to work on implementing new ideas into our Sweetheart program.

New Officers/ Newly Initiated Brothers

We recently have finished elections. This is our new Executive Board:

Consul: Will Stark, LWS42@CASE.EDU

Pro-Consul: Paul Emanuele, PAE18@CASE.EDU

Annotator: Ben Chapman, BCC52@CASE.EDU

Risk Manager: Kyle Macdonald, KLM152@CASE.EDU

Recruitment Chair: Jake Kucia, JPK93@CASE.EDU

Tribune: Jake Pestel, JMP269@CASE.EDU

Quaestor: Will Schnack, WBS24@CASE.EDU

Magister: Tony Damiano, ARD80@CASE.EDU

Kustos: Liam Killingstad, LCK27@CASE.ED

Click the following Link to see the New Officers: Executive Board

We are also excited to announce we have Initiated 13 New Brothers into the chapter. We are appreciative to have received such great guys from Danny Souza, the 2016 Recruitment Chair. Also, thank you Jake Shields (Fall 2016 Magister) for providing great education through out the pledge process!

 The new brothers can be seen on the following link: Class of 2020

Case Western Reserve University Homecoming 2016

Friday October 14th: 

  • Meet the brothers at the Sigma Chi house at 6:30pm to grill and enjoy some quality time together.

Saturday October 15th:

  • We will be walking in the parade at 10:00am - You are more than welcome to join us, or watch from the crowd.
  • After the parade, we will begin tailgating for the football game on top of Lot 46, the stadium parking garage before the game at 11:00am. You will be able to find us by Sigma Chi colors we will all be wearing. This year we will also have brothers sitting in the bleachers, if alumni want to sit and watch the game.

Sunday October 16th:

  • We will have Chapter at 6:30pm. Please reach out to me if you are interested in attending.

If you have any questions or have trouble finding us at any of the events please contact me or any of the following officers:

Will Stark, Tribune (319)389-8449 LWS42@CASE.EDU

Steve Dayton, Consul (740)479-0086 SRD69@CASE.EDU

Liam Killingstad, Pro Consul (443)995-5040 LCK27@CASE.EDU

New Officers/Website Updates

We have finally finished elections and we have added the following brothers to our Executive Board:

Kyle MacDonald, Risk Manager          KLM152@case.edu

Jake Shields, Magister                        JDS217@case.edu

Aaron Cain, Kustos                             AMC216@case.edu


I encourage you to reach out to any of the new officers with any questions you may have, or any suggestions of things you think may work well for their new position.


I also would like to make you aware of some new changes to our website. This includes some new pictures we have added and also the four newly initiated brothers. I would also encourage you to reach out to these new brothers to let them feel the strong bond Sigma Chi Alumni still hold with their undergraduate brothers.


You can reach out to these new brothers through their email below:

Carter Loud                 CWL44@case.edu

Phil Adikes                  PPA7@case.edu

Neil Steiner                 NFS15@case.edu

Hayden Koerwer         HJK43@case.edu

Clarion Installation Successful!

The Sigma Chi Clarion installation was a success. The initiation was only 2 weeks after our own so sleep deprived but excited, we made it out and supported the Clarion Chapter. In the picture above we met some of the Grand Executives, including the current Grand Consul Mike Ursillo. Pretty cool experience! If you wish to hear more reach out to us or stop by our last chapter this Sunday!

Case Western Reserve University Homecoming

Friday Night: 

  • Meet the brothers at the Jolly Scholar bar on campus at 7:30pm


  • We will be walking in the parade at 10:30am
  • Begin tailgating for the football game on top of Lot 46, the stadium parking garage before the game at 12:00pm. Food will be provided. You will be able to find us by the significant amount of Sigma Chi apparel we will be wearing and by a flag we will have raised.


  • Chapter Sunday evening. We will have a chapter time determined by this upcoming Wednesday. Contact me if you have interest in attending.

If you have any questions or have trouble finding us at any of the events please contact me or any of the following officers:

Will Stark, Tribune (319)389-8449 LWS42@CASE.EDU

Malcolm Perkins, Consul (978)987-2006 MPP44@CASE.EDU

Nick Smith, Pro Consul (716)341-3460 NJS77@CASE.EDU