We have finally finished elections and we have added the following brothers to our Executive Board:
Kyle MacDonald, Risk Manager KLM152@case.edu
Jake Shields, Magister JDS217@case.edu
Aaron Cain, Kustos AMC216@case.edu
I encourage you to reach out to any of the new officers with any questions you may have, or any suggestions of things you think may work well for their new position.
I also would like to make you aware of some new changes to our website. This includes some new pictures we have added and also the four newly initiated brothers. I would also encourage you to reach out to these new brothers to let them feel the strong bond Sigma Chi Alumni still hold with their undergraduate brothers.
You can reach out to these new brothers through their email below:
Carter Loud CWL44@case.edu
Phil Adikes PPA7@case.edu
Neil Steiner NFS15@case.edu
Hayden Koerwer HJK43@case.edu