A Tribute to Brother Giltinan

Dear Sigma Chi Brothers,

Dave and I grew up in Jamestown, NY.  Before my freshman year Dave came to my house to encourage my entrance at CASE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Soon after arrival I pleged Sigma Chi fraternity and Dave was my Big Brother.

I decided to major in Physics and had some trouble with Physics 1.  Dave mentored and encouraged me and as a result I was in full gear by Thanksgiving time. We traveled back and forth from Case to Jamestown for the next five years.

Dave majored in EE (59) and attended Grad School in Theoretical Nuclear Physcis, PhD (63). Dave was brilliant in both math and physics.  He often tutored many Sig brothers in EE, Physics and Math.  He also provided guidence for the Chapter througout his graduate career.  Soon after Dave got his PhD degree he had several local teaching jobs in the Cleveland area and eventually got a full time job at Edinboro University in Edinboro, PA (68).  Luckily for me he recruited me for an Astronomy Professer job at Edinboro.  He served at Edinboro for 40 years.  Dave also served as Chairman of the Dept. of Physics, which he founded, for several years.

Dave married Janice Peterson (a Nursing Major at Western Reserve) and I was honored to serve as his Best Man. They had two children Brian and Kevin.  Brian passed away at age 39 after serving in the Navy.  Brian had a B.S. in Nuclear Eningeeing from Penn State.  I remember Dave tutoring his son Brian in EE courses on a frequent basis.

Dave was my best man, in my wedding in 1964.  I am Brian's Godfather, and Dave was the Godfather of my oldest son Michael.

Dave acquired ALS in the early summer of 2015.  He passed away on September 30 at the age of 78.

In spite of acquiring ALS, he retained his sense of humor in his last days.  He told me that he had Lou Gerhig's desease and he was not even a Yankee fan!  He was however a faithful Cleveland Indians and Cleveland Browns fan.

We had a mutal friend Jim McCusker from Jamestown, NY.  Jim was an offensive tackle with the Browns playing with QB Frank Ryan and running back Jim Brown.

Dave and I would be given tickets to Brown's games.  On November 22, 1963 Dave and I picked up tickets from Jim and on the way back to CASE heard that President John F. Kennedy had been assassinated.  Indeed we had many memories together.

In hoc,

Jim LoPresto (62).